
The Milky Way sways its back
across all of wind-eaten America
like a dusty saddle tossed
over your sable, lunatic horse.

--Katherine Larson

The above was quoted as an example of good poetry in the terrific article, "Why Critics Praise Bad Poetry" by Adam Plunkett, here. Other killer Larson verse found there too.

What makes good criticism? "What we really need is a critic who has got something interesting to say. Who is writing something that we would like to read. Whose aliveness just comes out and grabs you by the throat and makes you think, or go pop-eyed with amazement, or throw your monitor across the room in a fit of rage. As a lover of good criticism, I am asking, or demanding (more like begging, really), that this passion and immediacy be the first quality that should recommend a critic to public notice."
Maria Bustillos in What Makes a Great Critic? in The Awl

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